Thursday, January 24, 2008

Creative Thinking

Apa definisi kreatif menurut Anda?
Apakah anak Anda termasuk orang yang kreatif?
Bagaimana cara meningkatkan kreativitas anak Anda? Kalau Anda ingin anak-anak menjadi lebih kreatif lagi dan lagi maka kami mempunyai solusinya!

Setiap hari anak-anak menghadapi tantangan-tantangan yang mengharuskan mereka untuk berpikir lebih kreatif. Tantangan itu bisa ditemui di sekolah atau di kehidupan mereka masing-masing. Kreativitas merupakan salah satu aspek yang diperlukan supaya anak-anak mampu menghadapi semua persaingan atau perubahan yang ada. Tiap perubahan tersebut sesungguhnya menyediakan kesempatan-kesempatan baru bagi mereka, namun kita butuh pemikiran-pemikiran kreatif untuk memanfaatkan situasi yang terjadi di sekitar kita.

Kreativitas merupakan sesuatu yang bisa dilatih, prinsip dasar dari kreativitas adalah jangan pernah takut untuk menjadikan kenyataan dari ide-ide yang pernah kita ungkapkan. Dr. E. Paul Torrance, professor ilmu pendidikan di Universitas Minnesota mengemukakan bahwa peran orang tua penting sekali dalam menemukan cara untuk meningkatkan kreativitas pada anak kecil, karena kemampuan ini perlu dirangsang dan diberi pengarahan sejak bayi.

Maka dari itu bergabunglah dalam workshop singkat kami mengenai “creative thinking”. Dalam workshop singkat ini Anda akan diajarkan cara merangsang dan memfasilitasi kreativitas anak

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi:
PELANGI (021) 5724162, 5724384, 0815 1990 2447
Wisma Kyoei Prince lt. 17 Ruang 17-05
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3-4
Jakarta Pusat
Fax (021) 5724163
Mohon transfer pembayaran Anda ke : BCA 253 3015255 PT PELANGI JAYA

Monday, January 21, 2008


In today’s world of modern technology, humans tend to forget that trash is an integral part our lives.
Trash that lie and abound in our territory are uncountable. A good example would be our daily trash from leftover foods, plastic bags, newspaper, wooden chopsticks and many more. Even unwanted clothes are part of our waste.
From just these few things, we can deduce that we have much waste that keeps piling up every year. It has become a global issue as we realize that trying to destroy all these wastes are fast becoming a very big environmental hazard not only to the Mother Earth but also to humans, causing changes in the climate, bringing more and more diseases to humans and animals.

The most probable solution is to recycle all these waste. In Indonesia, the big issue that concerns everybody is where to dump our waste. With PELANGI, we started with the aim to teach and educate people and children especially that art isn’t just about drawing and painting, but also the use of all the recycled materials available on hand that we come across everyday. In doing so, we hope to make everybody realize to the advantages of recycling waste as part of the art media.

Waste products or recycled materials can be categorized into paper, wood, metal and plastic. From these four, we have broken them into 3 different workshops. Each workshop will focus on one topic as each topic itself is so varied.

Saturday/26 January 2008 at 09.00-12.00am
1. Paper plates and bowls – using newspaper or thin paper that aren’t used anymore like the telephone directory or yellow pages.
2. Keychain hanger object – using paper pulp made from newspaper,etc.
3. Beaded necklace – colored or patterned wrapping paper, magazines

Saturday, 23 Feb 2008 at 09.00 – 12.00am
1. Memo note holder – carton and wooden cloth pegs
2. Bookmark – ice cream sticks with paper pulp
3. Fish decoration – ice cream sticks

Saturday, 01 Mar 2008 at 09.00 – 12.00am
1. Stuffed toy – made from plastic bubble and shredded paper
2. Nature paperweight - 2 litre plastic bottles, pebbles for weight and natural dried
plants or plastic plants and flowers.
3. Stationery holder – used can covered with cloth and decorated to make a nice pencil

For details, contact us: 021 5724162 / 021.5724384 / 0815 1990 2447

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